Monday, April 17, 2006

Ransomware : kidnapping of data

I came across this term "RANSOMWARE" recently, and sort of liked the concept.. :)

Following is taken from a web post :

Ransomware is a type of malware used for data kidnapping, an exploit in which the attacker encrypts the victim's data and demands payment for the decryption key. A ransomware program can be installed from an e-mail attachment, an infected program, or a compromised or malicious Web site. Data kidnapping is not new, but has in the past usually targeted businesses rather than individuals. Malware used for this purpose is sometimes called a cryptovirus, cryptotrojan or cryptoworm.

In March 2006, ransomware known as Crypzip or Zippo circulated to private users on the Internet. Recipients of the Trojan horse program also received an e-mail demanding $300, to be paid by electronic transfer, for the key required to unlock all their files. Security firm LURHQ, who discovered the exploit, said it was based on a similar scam conducted 15 years ago.

Ransomware is said to have originated in Russia, It and other cyberextortion methods, such as DoS extortion, are becoming more common around the world. To protect against data kidnapping -- and many other online crimes -- experts urge that users back up data regularly, practice cautious browsing and refrain from opening unexpected e-mail attachments.

And you thought kidnapping was rampant only in Bihar... :)... Probably a plot for Prakash Jha's next movie after "apaharan". Well i never thought cryptography can be put to such use as well... :)


Blogger Sanjay said...

a slightly respectable defn of ransomeware from wikipedia ;-)
Ransomware can stand for a type of software distribution licence (or a type of hacking exploit).

2:56 AM  

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